Hybrid playing portative organ

  • Paris, Bibl. Mazarine, ms. 1291, f. 165v - vue 3
  • Paris, Bibl. Mazarine, ms. 1291, f. 165v - vue 1


: Hybrid playing portative organ

: Paris, Île-de-France, France
Location type :

: France, , France

: 13

: 1200 -1350

: Illumination

: Paper / Parchment

: Initiale

: Hybride anthropomorphe musicien/Lapin/Hybride zoomorphe


: Justin Gregg

  • Performer information
    Type: musician

    Genre: imaginary

    Animal: hybrid animal

    Posture: squatting

    Instrument information
    Instrument : organ - (Hornbostel-Sachs system: 412.1-8 )
    Suspension system: raised
    Type: portable
    Bellows: invisible
    Keys: no
    Number of pipes: 6
    Jeu: keyboard pulls
    Keyboard type: indeterminate
    Number of pulls keys: undetermined
    Type of organ: portative

Number of performers: 1

Organization of visual space involving performance: Performer and organ located within the illuminated Q, among plants and animals.